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Washington Native Bee Society
Monthly Meeting
July 27th, 2023 @ 7:30 PM

Lisa Robinson: What to do with an inconvenient bumblebee nest
July 27th, 2023 at 7:30pm on Zoom
Hey there! Over at WaNBS, we've had a bit of a situation this year. We've heard from you about bumblebees making themselves at home in some pretty unusual places: two birdhouses, an old pumphouse shed, under a Hellebore, and even in a pile of garden debris. It got us thinking and digging more into bumblebee behavior and where they choose to nest.
So we've done our homework, and now we're ready to share what we've learned about these cool critters and their nesting habits. They're more than just an important part of our ecosystem - they're really fascinating to understand, too.
We thought it would be fun to invite you all to a laid-back discussion on bumblebee nesting biology. No frills, just an interesting chat about these buzzing bees. So come join us, and let's learn a little more about our friends, the bumblebees. We're sure you'll pick up a few cool bee facts along the way. See you there!
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Lisa Robinson
Lisa a lifelong nature lover with a design and naturalist background, created a xeric native garden around her house in 2009. Fascinated by the wildlife it attracted, she started photographing birds and Bumble bees. Her interest in native bees grew when she took on a Natural Science Illustration project, drawing a blue metallic bee. Through Don Rolfs’ Native Bees of Washington program, she sought help in identifying the bee she had illustrated. This led her down a path of discovery, volunteering to sort and identify Bombus species. Her journey involved extensive study, including participation in the PNW Bumble bee Atlas Project and the "Bumble bee Biodiversity, Ecology, and Identification Course" from Lincoln Best. She also became an Apprentice for Oregon State University’s Master Melittologist program. Robinson co-founded the Washington Native Bee Society, playing a crucial role in starting the Washington Bee Atlas. Her passion for native bees continues to this day.